A Tail of Two Bars - Deadshot / Hawthorn Lounge

A Tail of Two Bars - Hawthorn Lounge × Deadshot (Auckland)

The follow-up to our inaugural Tail of Two Bars series, in association with Stranger & Sons, it's now Wellington's Hawthorn Lounge's turn to join Auckland's Deadshot cocktail bar for another memorable bar takeover night.

Further details to come. Save the date!

A Tail of Two Bars - Deadshot / Hawthorn Lounge

A Tail of Two Bars - Deadshot × Hawthorn Lounge

In association with Stranger & Sons, it's A Tail of Two Bars where we'll be hosting a series of bar takeovers and to kick it off, we're bringing the good staff of Auckland's Deadshot cocktail bar with us to Wellington's Hawthorn Lounge, for the ultimate bar takeover.

Join us for a memorable night of exchanging knowledge and sharing stories, with Indian-spirited cocktails by the Deadshot team.

We'll be going late and would love to see you there.