Delivery & Returns
Experience the pleasure of effortless wine delivery with our smooth and reliable services, bringing the world of fine wines to your doorstep.
Our Delivery Promise
Every effort and care will be made to supply and deliver Goods in line with our promise outlined in this schedule. Dhall & Nash cannot be held responsible for any delays outside of its control.
The Customer will promptly check Dhall & Nash deliveries for correctness and damage. No liability will be accepted for any shortage, damage or defective goods unless Dhall & Nash is notified in writing within 3 days of delivery and any shortage, damage or defective Goods will thereafter be deemed to have occurred after delivery.
$10 Pick, pack & Freight delivery
Starting July 1st, 2023, our delivery fee is now a simplified $10 flat-rate Pick, Pack & Freight fee (excluding GST) for all orders placed nationwide. There’s no limits or restrictions on the size of your order, just affordable and hassle-free delivery!
Free Freight
Before being considered eligible for free freight in New Zealand, a sale order must first meet either of the following minimum requirements:
- an order size of 24x75cl or more bottles (or equivalent sizing for different formats, ie: 48x375cl or 12×1.5L) – the case can contain a mix of different wines,
- or, an order valued at $500 or more (excluding GST)
This offer is only available for select business addresses.
*10+ Case Orders: orders placed for over ten cases, may require additional days for delivery to be completed.
†Same-Day Delivery is only available to select Auckland regions (see maps below).
‡Same-Day Deliveries placed after cut-off times will require an additional $55 (excluding GST) processing fee.
The purpose of this policy is to communicate the rules for any Product Returns where the Client is seeking a refund or exchange after Goods have been shipped.
Dhall & Nash will accept Product Returns only (not exchange) for faulty wines and will offer a credit or refund for Goods. Verification of a fault lies with Dhall & Nash.
Dhall & Nash may accept a return for non-faulty goods entirely at the discretion of the Dhall & Nash CEO.
Faulty Goods
A faulty wine is defined as any wine which has any of the following:
• Unexpected foreign contaminants
• Physical damage not in keeping with the original packaging
• Oxidation (Acetic Acid)
• Sulphur compounds detected (Hydrogen Sulphide)
• Environmental (Heat damage / Light strike)
• Microbiological (Brettanomyces)
• Re-fermentation
• More than one bottle of wine from the same case with cork taint
Wines that are Fine and/or Rare are bought entirely at the owners risk. Dhall & Nash will pass on all provenance history to the client prior to purchase. Should any faulty wine be accepted as a return and refund/exchange, this is entirely at the discretion of Dhall & Nash Fine Wines.
We will not accept the returns of any Fine and Rare Wines
Wine purchased within the last 60 days may be eligible for return subject to;
• Wines being stored well and in good condition
• They are no longer present on the wine list
• All measures have been taken by the client to substitute the wines with replacements on the upcoming wine list
Time Elapsed since original Sale
If the time elapsed since the original sale is greater than 3 months, Dhall & Nash reserves the right to withhold acceptance of any returns due to faulty goods.
Promotional Offers
No stock sold as part of a promotional offer can be returned.
Save for any warranties and conditions conferred in writing by Dhall & Nash on the Customer in relation to particular Goods sold by Dhall & Nash to the Customer, Dhall & Nash makes no representation and gives no assurance, condition or warranty of any kind to the Customer in relation to the Goods and accepts no liability for any assurance, condition, warranty, representation, statement or term not expressly set out in these terms and conditions. To the fullest extent permitted by law any assurance, condition or warranty implied by law is excluded. The Customer specifically acknowledges that where it is acquiring the Goods for business purposes the provisions of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 are excluded.
The benefit of any warranties and conditions conferred by Dhall & Nash on the Customer are personal to the Customer and are not assignable.
Dhall & Nash shall not be liable to the Customer or any other person for any indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind arising out of defective Goods or any breach by the Company of its warranties or conditions or obligations under these terms and conditions or negligence or otherwise. Regardless of the legal basis of any claim, Dhall & Nash’s maximum liability to the Customer under any circumstances is limited to a sum not exceeding the invoiced value of the Goods which relate to any claimed loss or damage.
In cases where a valid manufacturer’s warranty exists for a Good sold by Dhall & Nash:
• Dhall & Nash must receive clear written explanation from Client of fault details,
• Dhall & Nash will contact the manufacturer and await deliberation,
• Once manufacturer verdict is received this will be passed onto Client with corresponding action;
• warranty breached – credit offered
• warranty breached – new product offered
• warranty not breached.
• Should a Client wish to dispute a manufacturer’s verdict – Dhall & Nash will immediately facilitate dialogue between the two parties.